
Amore Delirium. Amore Delirium

фото Amore Delirium. Amore Delirium

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На складе поставщика: нет
Формат: Audio CD
Тип упаковки: Jewel box
Исполнитель: Amore Delirium
Стиль: Рок
Жанр: Альбом
Дистрибьютор: Traum Baum
Лейбл: CD Baby
Дата релиза: 31.10.2013
Производство: Европа
Срок комплектации: Товар отсутствует
EAN: 0884501999687
цена: 1 666р.


Курьером по Москве — 499р.
Курьером по Санкт-Петербургу — 599р.
Почтой по России — от 150р.
Почтой за пределы России — от 1200р.
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• Сроки комплектации до 14-ти рабочих дней - для товаров отгружаемых со складов в России.
• Сроки комплектации до 30-ти рабочих дней - для товаров отгружаемых со складов Европы, США, Японии.
• Сроки комплектации "Требует уточнения" - это значит, что на момент актуализации, товар числился на складе поставщика в ограниченном кол-ве

Если дата релиза товара еще не наступила, а в описании указано, что товар на складе - это значит, что поставщик готов принять предзаказ, с отгрузкой после даты официального релиза

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2.Ritus Luna
3.For Seas and Sinners
4.The Waiting Song (Patience / Impatience)
5.Slow Death for Yesterday
6.Blood on the Washboard
7.Sterile Eyes
8.Pepper's Ghost
9.Independence Day

Imagine with me this.... Deep within a nameless forest lives a man who's existence lies outside of the very fabric of time itself. In a small shack, constructed of wood so rotten it makes one wonder how it could not have long ago turned to dust, he toils over a stone carving. His flesh, drenched with perspiration, glistens and flickers by the light of a flame, dying in a nearby fireplace. It has been told the stone carving is one of the history of man, and whatsoever this old man should etch into it's surface shall indeed come to pass. Along the walls of this dilapidated structure are piled high curios from every corner and culture of the known world. Amongst this collection sits a small jar, purchased from a dying man for a handful of sage and a cold, dead chicken's foot. The jar emits a soft emerald light, for it's contents are most unusual. Contained beneath it's rusted lid are the souls of three forgotten travelers. And this, my friends, is the story of what takes place inside of it...... Combining classical musical sensibilities, dark playfulness, and a chronically overactive collective imagination, Amore Delirium has handcrafted an album of exquisite imagery intense emotion splintered with punk rock style energy. Weaving tales of love, travel. Loss, and regret, this self-titled debut EP takes listeners down a path less traveled, to a place in their heart that they all know exists, but would never admit was there, welcome home....... The Press Has Said.... Best of 2012 New Times 'With him at the helm, singing with the charisma and enthusiasm of a preacher, it's hard not to hear what he means. As a singer, he knows exactly how to manage his vocals, creating an emotional plane, with either excited exuberance or with the haunting howl and growl of a campfire storyteller.'-Broward/Palm Beach New Times Best Male Vocalist (2012) 'Independence Day.' Like a long-lost track from 'A Nightmare Before Christmas,' or the soundtrack to a carnival of the damned, Scarecrow Jenkins' song combines accordion and brooding vocals to haunting effect. A solo that sounds as though it were played on bent chimes only adds to the dark atmosphere. The lyrics seem to relate the story of a dead man asking a lost love to forget him, telling her that 'these things to which you cling so hard are gone.' We know it's more than a simple breakup when the man sings, 'I now stoke the lonesome flames of hell.' Independence, then, is the ability to be free from the past. It all ends with, 'Banjo casting echoes ever cold/Your songs of independence on this day.'-Dan Sweeny Showtime Magazine.

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